Saturday 10 August 2013

Number 88- Bake Awesome Cookies

Today i made m&m cookies which are so nice and they look really pretty too :D

Number 86- Home Made Smoothies

Today I was at a sleepover and in the morning we all made smoothies then sat outside in the sun and talked :D

Number 73- Make An Oreo Cake

Today I made an Oreo cake with my friend Ellen and it came out really well and it tastes so good :D

Number 72- Take Sunset Photos

This even my friend Ellen and I went to a field and took some really cool sunset photos with silhouettes.

Friday 9 August 2013

Number 12- Watch The Sunset

Today when Ellen came round we went to a field near my house and took some really nice photos of the sunset 

Number 22- Make Something On My Pinterest Food Board

Today I also made chocolate filled strawberries with my friend Ellen :D

Number 80- Photo Shoot With Sparklers

Today my friend Ellen came round and we had a photo shoot with sparklers and the photos came out so well :D

Thursday 8 August 2013

Number 35- Spend A Whole Day Barefoot

Today I spent the whole day barefoot, I didn't actually go outside though so I didn't need to wear shoes anyway ;)

Number 9- Sleep Under The Stars

I did slightly cheat on this one because I didn't actually sleep outside, I haven't got any curtains currently so I have been sleeping under the stars...

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Number 91- Best Friend Photo Collage

Let me introduce you to my best friend Katie...

Number 45- Take Silly Photos

This one doesn't even need an explanation just look at the photo...

Number 21- Get Chalk And Draw Outside

Today after breakfast my sister and I went outside and drew on the paving slabs which I really enjoyed because it was really hot and we we're just talking instead of on the internet and phones.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Number 77- Bleach My Shorts

I recently bleached my shorts which I didn't expect to go very well but they actually came out ok. I might update the photo though because I still want to cut them shorter and maybe bleach them even lighter.

Number 47- Make Jelly Snakes

Today I also made jelly snakes with my sister which actually come out surprisingly well...

Number 95- Paint A Picture

Today I painted a picture in my new sketchbook of some eyes and a quote :D

Number 87- Take Photos On The Beach

Today I went to the beach with some of my friends, we went in the sea and took some cool photos!

Number 38- Dip Dye My Hair

Today my mum dip dyed my hair a dark red and I love it!!!

Number 43- Play Innuendo Bingo

I also played Innuendo Bingo with Katie at her house before we played Creamy True or False. This is probably one of the most attractive photos you'll ever see...

Number 19- Have A Water balloon Fight

I went to my friends pool party today and we had a water balloon fight and a BBQ

Number 70- Play Creamy True Or False

Today I was at my best friends house and we decided to play creamy true or false (be warned you will continue to smell cream for the next 3 days after playing this)