Saturday 27 July 2013

Number 4- Roll Down A Hill

I was sitting on a hill today with some of my friends so we decided to roll down it :D

Number 23- Tie-Dye Something

Today I finished my textiles shorts which I tie-dyed and realised I had done something else on my list :) whoo

Sunday 14 July 2013

Number 81- Jump In A Pool Fully Clothed

I went to an amazing pool party/get together with some friends and family and suddenly realised it was the perfect opportunity to jump in a pool fully clothed (here you can see an extremly attractive photo of my sister and I jumping it) :O x

Monday 1 July 2013

Number 61- Light A Dandelion On Fire

Today I lit a dandelion on fire which was slightly dissapointing considering the picture I saw on pintrest was all blue and purple, but the picture was still cool :)